I personnaly recommend the downloadable version but if you want to play the HTML version it's better for the resolution to have fullscreen.

You control three characters (a cube, a triangle and a sphere). All of them are connected. When you move (w,a,s,d) all of them are moved. 

Be carefull! Dont touch the walls (edges) and the enemies. 

You need to go to the top of the "box" so you go to the another level.

There are 10 stages. I have make a tutorial video for them.

Thanks to: 

1)beetpro  (one music, pixabay)

2)SergeQuadrado (three musics, pixabay)

3)Defekt Maschine (one music, pixabay)


The mission of the geometric shapes version 1 36 MB

Install instructions

You can play the WebGL version.

If you download the downloadable version:

1) Download the game

2) Open the zip file

3) Find the .exe 

4) Open the .exe

5) You are ready to play!